about us

Our Mission
We at Metalliage understand that our products reach millions of people in every corner of the world. With such a responsibility, the way in which we operate is fundamental to ensure that every client and end-user of our products remain satisfied and confident in the performance of our team and our offerings.
QUALITY: We aim to ensure that every step of our operations is rooted in quality control to assure customers of our product and service integrity, but to also allow us to develop the products of tomorrow, today.
INNOVATION: It is through daily creativity and imagination that much of our proprietary methods both in operations and in systems and analysis give rise to further ideas and product offerings. Our future lies in meeting the needs of our customers today and into the future.
SUSTAINABILITY: Through our 'recycling' of titanium, we have actively operated as a source of carbon reduction, having cut over 2MM Lbs of carbon since our inception. We understand that we can decide what world we will leave for future generations; at Metalliage we are doing our part in reducing the carbon footprint in our industry, ensuring that our actions improve the state of our environment while ensuring our products meet and exceed client standards.

Metalliage opened its doors in 1998 with the single commitment of producing the highest quality FeTi 70% in the market. Today, we mark our 20th anniversary as a fully integrated global titanium processor and convertor, with 7 core divisions, producing both FeTi and High-Temp ingots for the commercial and vacuum markets; one of the leading players in the market, supplying our products across 4 continents and to more than 12 countries; with a supply chain that spans the entire globe.

Our Facility
Metalliage covers a 200,000 sq. ft. site in Greater Montreal, with 3 facilities covering 7 core divisions for the sorting, processing and allocation of scrap titanium and the production and packing of FeTil in addition to a partner site located in Trois Riviere for the production of High-Temp and future alloy ingots.

Our Products
Ferotitanium 0-2 mm

Ferotitanium 6-12 mm

Ferotitanium 10-30 mm

Ferotitanium 10-50mm

All Ti Grades & Forms, including:
- Grades:
- CP
- 407
- 3-2.5
- 5-2.5
- 6-4
- 6-2-4-2
- 8-1-1
- 6-2-4-6
- 10-2-3
- Forms:
- - Turnings
- - Tube and pipe
- - Heat Exchanger Sheets
- - Medical Parts
- - Golf Heads
- - Stampings
- - Wire Rods
- - Billets
- - Cobbles
- - Bulk Weldables
- - Feedstock
- - Clips
- - Pucks
- - Uncrushed Sponge
- - Crushed Sponge
- - Sidewall Sponge Scrap

Our Equipment
We are driven by quality. Our standard operating process (SOP) requires us to undertake statistical process controls (SPC) with continuous improvement applications. In order to best support our SOP, our Quality Control & Assurance Department implements and operates its technology-enhanced processing and and control systems using a range of equipment across Metalliage’s 7 divisions:
Raw Material Testing:
- • Vanta C Series Handheld XRF Analyzers
- • UD50SH-2L Eumax Ultrasonic Cleaners
- • Wet Chemistry Apparatus
FeTi & Titanium Testing:
- • TC436 LECO Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer
- • CS344 LECO Carbon/Sulphur Analyzer
- • Bruker Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer
- • ARL 3460 OES Metals Analyzer
- • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM-EDS)
- • Metallographic microscopes
- • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

We reduce carbon content from all our materials. The process that is implemented provides a product to the market that supports the steel industry, while doing so in an environmentally friendly way.
Over the past several years, Metalliage has been able to reduce over 2,000,000 LBS of Carbon. We produce something that is significantly low in oxygen, carbon is well controlled and other alloys are consistently monitored to ensure that finished product meets specifications, and potentially exceeds that.

Metalliage Inc. received its ISO 9001:2015 certification in October 2015

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